Thursday, August 20, 2015

Travel Photographer Captures Exact Moment People Are Told They're Beautiful

Sometimes the simplest of things can make the biggest difference.

Turkish travel photographer Mehmet Genç is a man who seeks inspiration from the artistic canvas that is our world. He's earned the professional nickname of Rotasız Seyyah, which basically means "nomad without a route." One of his recent projects seeks to see what happens when people are complimented. The results are beautiful. 

Remember that everyone, everywhere, is fighting their own personal battle. These kinds of simple compliments can really make a difference. Be nice out there, folks. 

Stop over at Rotasız Seyyah's page to see more of his amazing work.

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It's truly amazing what can happen when a solid human connection is made.

The connection can last a lifetime, or be a fleeting moment to remember.

Sometimes all it takes to make the connection is saying a few words.

Words have more power than most of us realize.

Turkish travel photographer Mehmet Genç, or Rotasız Seyyah, as he is better known, knows this firsthand.

He's made a point of making human connections throughout his travels.

This is how he gets these glorious photos of raw, real-time emotion.

The connections he made in this project came from compliments.

He snapped a "Before" picture. 

The "Befores" reveal insight into who these women are, but nothing compares to what happens in the "Afters."

To capture these incredible "After" shots, he told the women, quite simply, that they are beautiful.

Every woman knows the power behind these warm words.

This is one of my personal favorites.

You can feel the reaction coming through the photo in a way that's hard to explain — even for a writer.

The descriptions placed with these photos explain the setting and where he met the women.

In this case, the two stumbled upon each other at the market. He simply told her she was beautiful, and this is what the result was.

These women are from different places in the world, but you'll notice their reactions are very similar.

It's amazing what a compliment can do, isn't it?

Just look at this for a moment. 

The difference is huge! To be able to see these expressions side-by-side is such a gift to our understanding of the human condition.

No matter who you are, where you are, or what you do: it's incredibly hard not to feel a sense of happiness when someone compliments you.

You know it's true.

So how did this project get started, anyway?

Well, that story starts long before the idea for these photos ever entered the photographer's mind.

Mehmet Genç was originally in IT. After six years, he transitioned into freelance photography and began traveling the world.

He says of the switch: "A difficult decision, but the stupid courage, sometimes it can help you make the most important decisions in your life." As someone who's taken a few chances herself, I couldn't agree more.

His "stupid courage" paid off. He's since been professionally trained and realized he can't return to the office life. This is who he is now.

And this is what he is doing: Sharing the beauty of the world with all of us onlookers.

This is the only shot where he shows himself in the process of this project.

It's awesome to see the look on his face after, too. Giving compliments brings joy to both parties. Don't forget. 


Author: verified_user