Monday, August 27, 2018

Knitters And Crocheters Needed To Make Beanies For Newborn Babies


If your fingers can fly with a pair of needles, the American Heart Association needs you. They've put out a call for volunteers with skilled fingers to knit and crochet beanies for newborns.

They're building up a supply of adorable little red caps for Little Hats, Big Hearts, a campaign that gives a little beanie to every baby born in February, which is American Heart Month.

Little Hats, Big Hearts started small, with a chapter in Chicago making about 300 hats back in 2014. Just three years later, it has become a national deal, with more than 40 states taking part. 

It's all part of a big movement to get families thinking about heart health and congenital defects.

Local Heart Association groups get together to make hats for babies in their areas. 

However, anybody can go to the Heart Association's website and download a few different patterns to crochet or knit for babies or preemies. They're also accepting donations of yarn.

So if you have the skills, consider lending them to the Heart Association for this amazing campaign!

Just think of how your work could be warming some precious little noggin! 


Author: verified_user