Friday, August 21, 2015

16 People Who Have Definitely Made Mistakes

According to Hannah Montana and my own life experiences, everybody makes mistakes. However, some mistakes are much more embarrassing than others, causing the person who made them to live in internet infamy forever. If you want to feel better about the mistakes that you've made in your life, take a look at these people who messed up way worse than you.

1. The good news is that the gutter is properly installed. The bad news is that the ladder is now a permanent fixture of the house. Someone clearly wasn't thinking while doing this.

2. Although I've never personally done this, I could maybe see how someone could make this mistake if they're daydreaming. What I don't understand is why the person would park, get out of their car, and leave it there.

3. That's the posture of defeat. This is pretty bad, but to be fair, those small flags don't do a very good job of warning pedestrians. Some say she's still there to this day...

4. If the price seems too good to be true, that's because it probably is. This is exactly why you should always read the reviews and description before making an online purchase.

5. Imagine moving into your new dorm as a college freshman, and your dad gets the U-Haul stuck in the entrance to the place where all your new friends live. You'd never live it down.

6. Either UPS has changed their delivery methods, or this driver has really messed up by forgetting to lock the door. I wonder how many miles of driving it took for him to realize his mistake. 

7. It looks like he did a great job of painting, but he forgot one minor detail. Now all he has to do is wait seven hours for the paint to dry and he can walk away like it never happened.

8. I don't think this professor is going to have a job come Monday morning. The good news is that college students tend to be super mature and understanding about situations like this. They probably won't even bring it up.

9. Why would any grown man choose to get 29 permanent Miley Cyrus tattoos?! The limit is clearly 25. I hope that I never regret getting my 25 Justin Bieber tattoos. 

10. After spending hours putting up Christmas lights all over the entire house, this guy realized his mistake. At this point, I would just give up and go eat Christmas cookies.

11. I don't think she's ever going to be asked to babysit again. That kid isn't going to be able to sleep for the next week. It probably even gave him super powers.

12. I think the real mistake was made by the kids who weren't smart enough to crawl in there themselves and grab all the prizes. Hopefully this kid's mom is really good at the claw game.

13. Come on, you had one job! How can three people work on this and not a single one of them notice what's wrong here? Hopefully this house has an elevator.

14. This is a pretty bad situation, but at least someone was nice enough to bring snacks for him to eat until he gets rescued. For his sake, I hope that happens before his mom comes home.

15. Yet another case of driving away with the gas nozzle still in your tank. That $50 fill up quickly became a $5000 bill for this person. At least it didn't explode.

16. If you ever want to catch a monkey, just put some food into a hole smaller than a monkey's fist. He will reach in, grab the food, and won't let go. Which is exactly how I imagine this scenario happening.


Author: verified_user