Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Man Accidentally Posts In Fantasy Football Forum Asking For Relationship Advice

Sometimes when looking for advice, we get it from a place or a person we didn't expect.

Sometimes we accidentally ask the wrong people, but it turns out okay — and that's exactly what happened to this man when he asked the wrong Reddit forum.

A man posted about the struggles he was having with his girlfriend to a fantasy football Reddit forum by accident.

They'd been dating for five years and she hasn't knocked her habit of being excruciatingly late to everything.

He was looking for an answer to whether or not he should break things off since the tardiness was becoming a real problem in their lives.

While he meant to ask a relationship advice Reddit forum, the fantasy footballers didn't let him down.

Some poked fun using sports analogies but others gave genuine advice.

One man suggested just leaving without her if they were going to be that late.

Hopefully she'll start getting the hint and be more on time.

Sometimes our mistakes pay off in the end!


Author: verified_user