Monday, July 24, 2017

15 Photos That Make All Cooks Cringe


So "pobody's nerfect" — especially when it comes to the kitchen.

But when we screw up in the cooking department there are two ways you can mess up. Bad enough that you see the red trucks and firehoses or it's embarassing enough you snap a picture.

Guess which one you're going to see today?!

COMMENTand tell us which here are the worst!

1. Boiled pasta done in a coffee machine pretty much fits the bill for a fail...

I wonder how many filters they needed?

2. Cooking bacon is a pain with all of the grease, but cooking it on an iron solves nothing!

3. Yogurt-covered berries look like baby livestock....


4. This pancake face disaster. Thanks, now I won't be able to sleep ever again.

5. This homemade pizza is the fastest way to get yourself a REAL pizza from a restaurant. 

6. THIS attempt at cooling down pasta...

7. Spaghetti + tacos = this hot mess.

Seriously? Just because they're both tasty doesn't mean we need to mix them, America...

8. Frying an egg on an iron? People, irons are for wrinkly plaid shirts — not food!

9. Come on, bruh. This Instagram filter is not going to save you...

10. Waffle-iron waffles have never made me less hungry.

11. Then there's this strawberry snowmen massacre that you can't unsee... 

12. A porcupine that'll scare the crap out of your least favorite child.

Or your favorite one that needs to be brought down a peg.

13. This lettuce cutter that is pretty much grounds for being permanently banished from any kitchen in America.

14. I feel like this wasn't the best use of a plastic cutting board...

15. And finally, this nut who put unsliced lemons into this pot and replaced the peppercorns with sesame seeds.

Come on, cooks, get your head in the game...

COMMENTand tell us about your worst kitchen fails!

Post a pic if you're feeling brave! We can all laugh together.


Author: verified_user