1. How inconsiderate to ignore your date like that
Your anime body pillow deserves much better
2. This guy gets it...
He even threw her a birthday party
3. Interesting hobby you have there
4. I wonder if he even has a bike
Holidays suck when you're single, but one of the worst is Halloween...
And that's when the desperation kicks in...
9. A surefire way to get punched in the face
10. They say honesty is the best policy
Unless it reeks of desperation
11. At least you're not playing The Game Of Life
That encourages way too much false hope
12. Apparently, some restaurants even have seating reserved just for people like you
It can be hard to let go
But there are some benefits to being alone...
If you do happen to feel a little lonely once in a while, never fear, there are products for that!
17. A kiss coffee lid gives you all the intimacy without having to worry about your coffee breath!
18. Or what about a girlfriend robot?
19. They even make cakes specifically for people like us
20. But at the end of the day, being forever alone isn't depressing...
It's a conscious choice!