Monday, July 24, 2017

20 People Destined To Be Forever Alone

Some people don't have any luck in the game of love, and while that may sound like a depressing statement, it's a reality that has given us many wonderful things! Sex and the City would never have existed, Seinfeld definitely wouldn't have been as funny if its characters weren't so romantically challenged, and of course, the porn industry probably wouldn't be the booming business it is today. So in honor of this state of singledom that has given our culture so much, here are 20 people who are destined to be forever alone!

1. How inconsiderate to ignore your date like that

Your anime body pillow deserves much better 

2. This guy gets it...

He even threw her a birthday party

3. Interesting hobby you have there 

4. I wonder if he even has a bike 

Holidays suck when you're single, but one of the worst is Halloween...

5. Is it even a costume at this point? 

Or is it just your identity?

6. Prom can be tough too...

7. "I wish he'd get a girlfriend, I'm seriously sick of these excursions"  

8. It always sad when you lose a forever-aloner to the other side 

It can be hard to let go. 

And that's when the desperation kicks in...

9. A surefire way to get punched in the face 

10. They say honesty is the best policy

Unless it reeks of desperation 

11. At least you're not playing The Game Of Life 

That encourages way too much false hope 

12. Apparently, some restaurants even have seating reserved just for people like you

It can be hard to let go 

But there are some benefits to being alone...

13. More chocolate for you, right?! 

14. And definitely more snacks for you

15. A bottle of liquor and a whole cake, all for you! 

That's how you do forever alone right! 

16. There can be some upsides to living alone

After a long day, I don't want someone to come home to, I want to wear nothing but a cape and eat sugary cereal 

If you do happen to feel a little lonely once in a while, never fear, there are products for that!

17. A kiss coffee lid gives you all the intimacy without having to worry about your coffee breath!

18. Or what about a girlfriend robot?

19. They even make cakes specifically for people like us 

20. But at the end of the day, being forever alone isn't depressing...

It's a conscious choice!


Author: verified_user