Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Greatest Debate Of The 21st Century

That's right, we're today we're taking on the heaviest subject the internet has to offer. Trust me, I'm well prepared to receive hundreds, if not thousands, of hate-filled emails telling me I'm a horrible excuse for a human being for even mentioning that I may not prefer pineapple on my pizza. 

I'm sorry! It's just a taste thing! That and I don't want gross, tangy juice to envelope my entire pie and make it soggier than Cap'n Crunch's worst nightmare... 

Whatever side of the debate you land on, I've tried to give an equal, non-biased, look at the issue. Pssshhh, just kidding — I took the funny take on it, of course! Lighten up y'all, at the end of the day, you're still eating pizza!

Some people love it a bit too much...

And some people hate it a bit too much...

Others, of course, don't really seem to grasp the concept in general...

But for those who hate it, it can affect them on a deep, deep level

And some can't even bring themselves to go through with it!

But whatever your stance on pineapple pizza, at least we can all agree it's better than whatever thisdisgusting madness is!!! 


Author: verified_user