This is about the one form of drunk that has always been unacceptable: being drunk at work. We tolerate hangovers and the occasional 4:30 scotch with a colleague in the office or the inevitable trashed coworker at the Christmas party, but in today's world (much unlike the '60s ad business), being blotto while on the clock is grounds for very serious reprimands and could possibly cost someone their job, depending on their profession. It's not a joke!
But, like everything in life, just because it isn't a joke doesn't mean we can't have ourselves a damn good chuckle at it. Have a look at these magnificent train wrecks and then pass it along to the person in the office who urinated in their pint glass at the last office shindig!
1. "You want one large for...13 people?"
2. If you're still in your chair, you're technically not passed out...
3. When you drink too many off the line and start messing up...
4. Barry knows how to make Mondays a little better!