Sunday, July 23, 2017

8 Beauty Resolutions We Actually Want To Keep

This year went by fast, huh? It feels like just yesterday I was saying hello to 2016! Well, 2017 is around the corner and it's time to come up with some new resolutions. Being positive and not procrastinating are always on my resolution list. I also have some beauty resolutions that I want to keep up with, too. Here are eight of them that I need to stick to! I'm sure that you will want to stick to them as well! Keep reading to see what they are. 

1. Clean Your Makeup Brushes 

I can not stress how important this is! Yes, I know that it's time-consuming, but it's something that you have to do. 

2. Try A New Trend

Glitter on the lower lash liner? I think that this is a very different look, but I'm obsessed. I definitely want to try it out! 

3. Experiment With Bold Colors

I wear nude lipsticks all the time, so I need to take this advice. Maybe a blue lipstick will be in my future. 

4. Don't Neglect Your Under-Eye Cream 

If you stick to it, you will most definitely see results. 

5. Don't Go To Sleep With Makeup On 

Just don't. I know that taking off your makeup at the end of the night is the last thing that you want to do. Keep some makeup wipes right next to your bed so you don't forget! 

6. Don't Give Up 

Trust me, I know that winging out your eyeliner is hard! Keep practicing, and most importantly, try out new techniques.

7. Don't Forget To Moisturize

Please don't! Your skin will thank you for it. 

8. Do A Face Mask Once a Week

I always feel so pampered and refreshed when I do. This is something that I need to stick to. 

What beauty resolution do you want to keep up with? Comment to let us know! 


Author: verified_user