Sunday, July 23, 2017

24 Times "You Messed Up" Was An Understatement

We all mess up once in a while, in fact, maybe "once in a while" is being too kind... Let's be honest, we've probably made so many mistakes that we can't even count them, let alone remember them. But there are some instances that stick in our heads more than others. These are the big messes — the ones we never really recover from... But hey, at least they're funny!

1. Umm, no thanks

2. what will bring the boys to the yard?!

3. The real question is, did she get the phone?

4. Who's regretting this more?

5. Got a little too into the game 

Tattoos, now there's something pretty easy to mess up...

6. Oh my...

7. "Well...what now?"

8. "I bet you're wondering how I got here..."

9. Soooo I guess there was metal in the room

I'm not sure who came up with the next idea, but they were probably fired...

10. Probably not a name that's going to increase sales...

11. Those cakes aren't expensive, are they?

12. You have a package for delivery

13. "Oh, just hanging out, wyd?"

You'd be surprised how much the next thing happens...

14. Oops

15. Well, I won't be trying this again...

16. Looks like the reality of her tattoo choice is finally sinking in

The next individual ended up in a very tight situation...

17. What have I gotten myself into?

18. Dancing to the YMCA got out of hand real fast 

19. Now is not the time for regrets...

20. Ouch 

Still...the next person is probably in more pain...

21. You better hope someone requests a stop soon

22. "We've got a little problem"

23. Give it a few'll thaw out

24. Dude, how did you manage to do this?


Author: verified_user