Sunday, July 23, 2017

16 People Who Tried Really, Really Hard

We're always told to give our best shot in life...but what if even when you try your best, you still just can't get it together? These folks are not only riding the struggle bus, they're driving it. Try not to facepalm too hard as you scroll through!

1. The person who bought this Barbie for their daughter.

The poor kid who gets this thing is going to have nightmares forever.

2. The person who tried to mount this TV. 

Now that is a truly tragic sight to behold. 

3. This kid and his failed selfie.


4. The person who designed this insane billboard.

Oh, you didn't know that Will Smith and Paris Hilton were students at the same high school?! Don Draper would not approve of this advertisement. 

The saying may be "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again," but maybe these people should just give up?

5. This Twitter user who clearly has a refined palette. 

And how about McDonald's for dessert?

6. The person at the bakery who thought this was what someone ordered. 

"When you order two cakes with Happy Birthday on both..." They took that a little too literally.

7. The person who clearly doesn't know the difference between a tiger and a lion. 

I mean, in this person's defense, they're both cat-like?

8. The employee who "gift wrapped" this present. 

Gift wrapping is used in the loosest sense here.

How do these people not know that they're struggling?

9. This walking contradiction.

Honestly, I wish I had her confidence in life. Go 'head girl!

10. The person who wrote this sign.

How else can you prepay if not in advance?! 

11. The parents who thought this was an okay swing to have for their kids.

Ummm...someone tell me the parents realized why this wasn't a good idea. 

12. This girl is just living her life.

Should someone let her know that broken and fractured means the same thing? 

How many more times can you face palm before the end of this list?

13. The person who put this sign a pharmacy.

Someone thinks they're a comedian.

14. This girl who's just trying to get her Instagram on. 

Yikes...something tells me she's not going to post that picture. 

15. This person who tried to replace the doorknob. 

Close but no cigar! It's the thought that counts, right?

16. This teacher who didn't read over their own instructions.

Yikes! Probably not the homework you want your students doing.


Author: verified_user