Sunday, September 6, 2015

15 People Who See The Silver Linining In Everything

How long after the shock of losing a limb or three in war does it take you to go from shock and horror to, "On the bright side, I can now use my prosthetic leg as a gun stand!" Or how much does your bar have to flood before you turn to your buddy and say, "Well, there's six feet of water outside...think there are fish in it?"

Is it grit these people have? Optimism, maybe? I'm not sure, because I currently have all my limbs and don't live below sea level or near a large body of water. But whatever allows them to see the silver lining in their tragedy is awesome. In fact, it's so awesome that I felt compelled to compile these hobbling limbless wonders and overly optimistic flood victims into a single article. My hope is that the next time you stub a toe or it rains for one day on your all-inclusive vacation in the tropics, you remember these people's plight and you reevaluate your definition of what constitutes a problem and inconvenience.

On that harsh note, thanks for reading, friends.

1. "F*** your kneecaps." –Cpl. Anon

2. A little rain in Ireland makes for some good pub-side fishing.

3. One duck's tragedy is another man's opportunity to invent.

4. She's gonna carve up a lot of hearts at Comicon. 

5. The one time in life that it doesn't hurt to step on Lego.

6. Not only is he a bionic throwback to the 1960s greaser generation, but his leg also doubles as a gun stand. Badassery achieved and exceeded.

7. He may have lost a leg, but he's won every Halloween contest since.

8. Lost my arms and legs? I've got a prank set aside for this unlikely event.

9. Pro Tip: Every scar is an opportunity for some Star Wars art. 

10. The lonely piggy had a good sense of humor.

11. "Can I feel them?" "Pardon me?" "Your prosthetic fingers. I was asking to feel them."

12. These folks took a note from the Irish fellas. I like people like this.

13. "You might think my handicap is an inconvenience, but I never have to do leg day again."

14. Did the earthquake ruin a car bridge or create a bike ramp?

15. "I'm a woman, immigrant, Iraq War veteran and an amputee. I could have recited Mein Kampf and I'd have still been elected."

*Tammy Duckworth did not say any of that. Ever.

Main image via People | Barcroft

Collage images via 1. imgur / EdgorRoach 2. imgur / nehocb 3. reddit / [deleted]


Author: verified_user