1. The shade Liar will make you feel prettier than that shady liar ever did
2. When it breaks, it's worse than a breakup
3. There are two Snapchat moods
4. No kidding...
5. Girl, you best check yourself
Even if you're a fan of gym class, you have to admit there's one thing that always makes it better...
10. Hot damn... call the police and whatever... I don't care, I just want.
11. Ain't that the truth
12. It's a tough one
13. Yes, it's still possible to slay with a food baby
14. You better be snappy at those responses
15. We're sick of it!
16. Ain't that the truth
17. Getchu someone you can depend on
18. Are you serious right now?
19. I need you beeetches
20. Awww heck yes!
Ain't that the truth