It's a timeless tale, isn't it? You go through your teens and early 20s just bouncing from one boneheaded guy to the next. You have to meet multiple Mr. Wrongs before you meet Mr. Right.
And these people definitely have the proof they need to get the EFF out of dodge.
1. If you have a demon squad for friends, you know any and all cheating activities will not only be identified, but photographed and logged as evidence.
It's time to say goodbye.
2. And when you do realize bae is Mr. (or Mrs.) Wrong, you have to do whatever is necessary to get out as fast as you can.
Kinda something like this...
3. You remember hearing about the Good Samaritan when you were little, right?
Well, these perfect strangers let this man know his wife was cheating on him, and they didn't skimp on the deets.
4. If you're searching around on Tinder looking for that gem, that diamond in the rough...
...maybe steer clear of liars...and bad liars, at that. What was he playing at? Sheesh.
Considering every female on the planet is a detective these days...
We will find the evidence, process it, and book you faster than you can say, "It meant nothing to me."
5. Look, I don't care if you can't grow facial hair. That is irrelevant.
But if you lie and try to pull the wool "beard" over my eyes, I'm going to think you're a cheater.
6. If you aren't quick enough to keep up with your lies, then you deserve what you get.
Never has a more awkward exchange taken place on a Facebook feed. Cringe.
7. This is the only form of cheating I find acceptable. Maybe even preferable.
I like a man who can mix things up and surprise me by ordering pizza from different places.
8. I was just about to ask if it was really worth the money until I saw the post script.
Hopefully, she only used half of what they had. Poor gal.
Imagine if we could just march all of the cheaters through the streets of King's Landing?
This is basically the old-timey version of putting people on blast on social media.
9. If I ever cheated, I'd hope that my partner would turn it all into a fun scavenger hunt like she did!
This is a comeuppance the likes of which I have never seen!
10. There is nothing better than a vindictive scorned lover.
The payback can get pretty savage. What do you think? Too far, or just far enough? You be the judge and let me know.
11. This is my kind of woman. After years of presenting in grad school, this is exactly how I'd approach a cheating partner.
Except in my case, I'd likely have figures.
12. Oooh, somebody's in trouble now!
I like how old buddy boy tried the Shaggy excuse. He is a true '90s kid, isn't he? Well, Mr. Boombastic, looks like you're no angel.
But, on the other hand, we also tend to have completely backwards thoughts like this sometimes.
Seems like a bit of a catch-22 if you ask me. What do you think?
13. Okay, we need to break up our mounting depression with something a little lighter.
If I catch my partner in bed with someone else, they better be walking on four legs.
14. This boyfriend, who prefers a slower, more torturous reveal.
Look at that teddy bear, laid face down. The single flip flop. It's all too much. I must look away.
15. Oh Steven. You done goofed, dude.
I love that everything was caught on tape. It's all very mysterious, isn't it?
What exactly, what's caught on tape, I wonder?
Actually, I'd rather not know.
16. This literal queen, who is my new inspiration.
I hope he had a ticket and she gave it away to a homeless man or something. 'Cause, honeslty, screw this dude.
I love this power move.
I hope her dirty, cheating ex saw this from the couch and got so overwhelmed he flipped his plate of microwaved nachos all over himself.
17. Well, that's one way to air out the dirty laundry.
I love this drama, though. So I support and applaud it. Waste that bed sheet. I'm all about public shaming.
18. Oh no, boo boo.
If we don't have trust in relationships, what do we have? Clearly, just a messy bar fight and couple's therapy. Honestly, so much yikes. So shook.
19. Call your girlfriend. It's time you had the talk...
This is super public, shameful, and clearly well deserved. I love cleaning, but I love cleaning out bank accounts way more. You go, girl.
20. This man who can now have his cake and eat it too.
For me, personally, the biggest tragedy here is the wasted cake. But also, the wasted relationship, I guess.
I'll never be able to look at cake the same way.
Granted, neither will the cheater. So now, he's out a GF and will never eat cake again.
Now that's a real lose-lose situation.
21. So the backstory is that this fellow found a Christmas card from his girl (meant for some guy named Aaron).
The worst part is that this guy was deployed when his girl cheated. Cold.
22. But yeah, who is Michelle?
This is some Before He Cheats kinda shade, and I am honestly living for it. This is essentially torture, but it's so subtle I'm living.
23. Amateur. Is this, like, his first relationship?
Does he not know what a 2017 woman is capable of? Everyone knows you can't wear a wrap-around lens and take a selfie.
24. If he A) owns this many guns, and B) coordinates them with his OOTD, then I just don't even know what to think.
It just reeks of bad news. But he does have money...
Don't fret. We all date Mr. Wrong before we find Mr. Right or Mr. He'll Do.
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