Friday, January 6, 2017

17 Clueless People We're Surprised Made It This Far

There are two types of people in this world: those who grab life by the horns and those who circle aimlessly around it. Needless to say, this article is for people who fall into the latter category. 

1. This guy's going places

2. The truth hurts sometimes

3. This is what I call Insta-worthy

4. "The piece really speaks to me"

"Who's the artist? I'd like to meet him"

5. The blind leading the blind

6. I'm just waiting for when the sweater lets go, sending her face-first into her food

7. I'm at a loss for words

8. This is what rock bottom looks like

9. Small frosty in a medium cup...

10. This is as good as it gets

11. I half expected her shorts to be on backwards, as well

12. I don't think he knows, nor do I think he cares

13. I don't know who I'm more disappointed in, the person who ordered the pizza or the one who wrote it down

14. Who wants to be the one to tell her?

15. Oh man, you really have me stumped with this one

16. Not to mention the jacket draped over his shoulder

17. This just proves anything can be art


Author: verified_user