Thursday, August 23, 2018

16 Funny Pics To Brighten And Lighten Up Today

Whether your life is full of them ups or full of them downs, laughter will help it along the way. So I hope your mouth-bones (aka teeth) are nice and polished because it's time to smile! Enjoy!

1. Nailed it!

2. This is soooo true

3. Should be okay for a Monday, but what about the rest of the week?

4. On second thought, maybe that wine truck isn't the best idea...

5. Never know what you could learn!

6. Maybe the first time these cookie things have ever worked out?

7. According to this sign, my pet will be just fine here...

8. I guess these lessons were important after all...

9. Eighties and nineties kids understand...

10. The irony is delicious...

11. The horror... the horror!

12. Using the ol' melon...

13. Hilariouth!

14. Game on, precious! 

15. A historic moment...

16. Now they're totally BFFs!


Author: verified_user