Wednesday, January 25, 2017

16 Things That Didn't Quite Go According To Plan

Just when we think we've got everything worked out, something can come along and just turn a carefully constructed plan into a million little pieces. If normal people throw a wrench in the works, this thing just tossed in a whole toolshed.

Sure, there's always some expectation that a plan can fail, but these kinds of moments can leave us sitting in the rubble wondering how we even got here. We might start to wonder if we missed something obvious, but even the people we were hoping to show our work to are scratching their heads and saying, "Wow, I didn't even know it could do that."

At that point, there's nothing else to do but dust ourselves off and have a look through these 16 memes about plans that were not meant to be.

1. Now, that's a twist ending I wouldn't have seen coming.

I'm not really sure what happened here, but I'm not mad at it.

2. Mmm, that looks like one yummy abomination.

Like, does the bacon just start flailing and twitching when this comes out to complete the horror?

3. That's funny...I don't remember signing up to be a third wheel.

If this really isn't your day, the other friend will come along for everything y'all were supposed to do that day.

4. I've been trying, but I can't find a way to make "name" sound like "color."

Also, if I had a blank check to name somebody, I think I'd be a little more ambitious than "Steve." I guess what I'm saying is I hope Reginald P. Ploppington III has a great birthday. 

But she's a really big fan, though.

5. Hahaha, I wonder if that guy ever found out who he was even supposed to be.

I guess if someone was really excited about taking a picture with me, I wouldn't question it either.

6. You mean all those times I sat quietly instead of goofing off with my friends were for nothing?

And what about all those dioramas? My parents worked really hard on those!

7. Well, it's not often that life straight-up imitates cartoons.

I feel like some goofy music should be playing right about now.

8. What this person lacks in planning, they make up for in quick thinking.

That's why I'm not even gonna ask how they're supposed to get to the customer if they're stuck in the bathroom. I'm legitimately sure they'll think of something.

Man, they got snitches everywhere.

9. Aw man, I guess that's what you guys get for being clever.

I mean, those are some pretty clear signs, so somebody was just trying to ruin a day, here.

10. Sorry dude, it looks like your ditching days are over.

I guess it could still backfire on her if you include her in every awkward second of your trip to the bathroom, though. I guess the question is, how badly do you want to skip your class?

11. Hahaha, definitely not the answer they were expecting.

If I were the teacher, I'd take marks off for not mentioning how sad the plant looks. I mean, is there a more important part of the picture than that?

12. Well, at least they revealed themselves before they really caught you slippin'.

Now you can plan your crimes around your three automatic witnesses.

Hey, it's always important to have a Plan B.

13. Gotta say, this beats my solution of chugging the whole thing and burping up regret for an hour.

14. Man, shout out for finding the exact right place to photobomb this.

And he's subtle enough that they wouldn't even notice him until it was far too late.

15. To be fair, I guess she had the harder costume.

Still, can't really say I think "SpongeBob T-shirt" when I think Beast.

16. Man, I would love to know how this happened.

I mean, it really doesn't seem like something you can do by accident.


Author: verified_user