Wednesday, January 4, 2017

12 Helpful Facts About Teeth Health

Often, your smile is the first thing somebody will notice about you. Your teeth are out there, on display to the world, making a first impression for you. 

What's more, they work for you all day, grinding delicious morsels down into the energy you need to get through life.

Teeth are easy to take for granted, though. Most of the day, you don't really remember they're even there. But they affect so much of your life, they deserve more attention.

As the saying goes, take care of your teeth, and they'll take care of you!

Please COMMENT and tag a friend on Facebook who you think takes great care of their teeth.

1. The secret to strong teeth is fluoride.

Fluoride has been proven to prevent cavities and reverse the early stages of tooth decay. That's why it's in toothpaste and mouthwash, and why many cities add it to their drinking water.

2. Plaque becomes tartar when it hardens on your teeth.

And it's a lot more difficult to remove. Plaque comes from bacteria, acid, saliva, and food, and it sticks to your teeth – brushing removes it. When it hardens into tartar, a dentist has to scrape it off.

3. Eating or drinking too often puts your teeth at risk.

The more often food comes into contact with your teeth, the more opportunity it has to wear down your teeth and deposit bacteria. 

4. Dry mouth can cause bacteria to grow.

Saliva is gross, but it's good for your mouth. It helps you break down your food and swallow it, and it's still at work even after you're done eating, neutralizing acid and preventing bacteria from growing.

5. Sugar rots your teeth.

You already knew you should avoid too much sugar. But a study out of England says sugar is the only cause of tooth decay. That's because bacteria in the mouth uses sugar to create acid that makes holes in teeth. And tooth decay is shockingly common – as many as 92% of U.S. adults have experienced it.

6. Brush twice a day.

If you've just had an acidic drink, wait half an hour before taking to the toothbrush. The acid can weaken your tooth enamel, and brushing too soon can remove it entirely.

7. There is a right way to floss your teeth.

Form a 'C' shape around your tooth with the floss and gently move it up and down. Don't be too harsh or you can cut into your gums. 

8. Visit the dentist regularly.

You don't have to like it, but a proper cleaning from your dentist every six months is important for your dental health.

9. Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease in children.

It might not seem like a problem because they're going to lose their baby teeth, but habits – good or bad – start early and last a long time. More than two-thirds of teenagers aged 16-19 have had a cavity in their permanent teeth.

10. Brushing too vigorously can do more harm than good.

It's easy to overdo it and end up wearing down your enamel and maybe making your gums bleed and recede. If your toothbrush's bristles bend like they're being crushed, you're pressing too hard. 

11. Your teeth are unique to you.

Nobody else has teeth like yours. Just like fingerprints and retinas, your teeth can be used to identify you, which is why dental records are sometimes used to identify human remains. Not even twins have the same teeth.

12. Gingivitis can lead to tooth loss – and worse.

Usually gingivitis shows up with red, swollen, bleeding gums. It's easy to turn around with brushing and flossing, but left unchecked it can turn into periodontal disease, in which the gums separate from the teeth. Other complications that have been associated with gingivitis: diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and lung disease. 

So it's worth taking care of your teeth!

If you have a friend who takes great care of their teeth, please COMMENT and tag them on Facebook.

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