Friday, August 12, 2016

19 People Who Deserve A Good Ol' Punch In The Face

Unfortunately, there will always be those people who take joy in raining on your parade, watching the world burn, and making your life just that much more difficult than it already is. But hey, if you can't stop 'em, you may as well laugh at them!

1. You did that on purpose, didn't you?

2. Was this really necessary? 

3. My world is crumbling 

4. Just to rub it in 

The next person really knows how to ruin a birthday...

5. Who does this?!

6. That's one way to respond to a rude customer 

7. Thanks. Really helpful...

Some jerks get out-jerked...

8. How's that karma for ya? 

9. A little suspicious if you ask me

10. Let me get those split ends for you

I'd be very upset if the next thing happened to me while I was hungry... or ever

11. Whoever stocked this machine... I will find you

12. Man, you know what I meant...

13. Wow, a whole office full of jerks 

Or maybe these frigid birthday wishes are because the recipient is the real jerk here

The next birthday present is a little better... a little

14. Thanks, sis

15. Thanks for the honesty...

16. Seriously? Every single one?

Some people ruin everything... even childhood favorites...

17. Spoiler alert 

18. No one takes my wish! 

19. Have you no shame?!


Author: verified_user