Monday, June 20, 2016

Scientists Have Invented The First Ever Origami Robot That Can Patch Wounds

Medical science is progressing to unprecedented heights, and it's kinda scary. 

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new origami robot probe that is capable of fixing things in your gastrointestinal tract. This little robot can remove things that shouldn't be there, patch up wounds, or deliver medicine to a specific section of your digestive system.

The remarkable video above shows one of the origami robots progressively moving down a simulated esophagus to the stomach where it ultimately unfolds.

The device is controlled by magnetic fields and has been developed, to some extent, to remove small batteries that commonly get embedded in stomachs. The video shows the removal of a small battery. Incredible!

SHARE this video online with your Facebook friends. They need to see this.


Author: verified_user