Classic magic tricks from as far back as the early 1800s have been explained and the magic behind them revealed. You might be disappointed with how easily you were tricked once you find out how some of these illusions are done. But as lovely as childlike wonder can be, knowing the answers can be just as fun — especially when you learn how Michael Jackson defied gravity in his dance moves.
1. Levitation
2. Cutting A Body In Half
3. Zig Zag Girl
4. Into The Air
5. Floating Man Illusion
6. Cut In Half
7. Michael Jackson Dance Trick
8. David Copperfield Makes The Statue Of Liberty Disappear
9. Buzz Saw
10. Criss Angel Levitation
11. The Guillotine
12. Card Through The Window Trick
To achieve this trick, another person stood on the other side of the window with a separate deck of cards and place the chosen card on it while the audience wasn't looking.
13. Walking On Water
14. Bullet Catch
The bullet actually drops upon firing and a fake marking is made on the glass. A stage hand duplicates the bullet which the volunteer places in their mouth to show after the gun has been fired.