Friday, December 11, 2015

16 People Who Nailed It So Hard

We've all been bored enough to watch videos of people trying out some gnarly stunt and utterly failing at it, and the same thought always pops into our heads when we see it. With every wipeout and scene of mass destruction, we can't help but ask ourselves, "What did you think was gonna happen?"

And the answer is probably that they saw somebody else pull it off against all odds.

Whether they're masters of a risky craft or just the luckiest people in the world, they inspired so many others to take up their mantle and flop to the ground. They may have a lot to answer for, but these people who somehow achieved exactly what they were going for earned their legendary status all the same.

And so we celebrate 16 of these folks who got it in one and made it look easy. 

1. And if they're the one who thought of it, you really don't wanna mess with them.

Anyone who gets creative when they try to bring you down is definitely someone you wanna be nice to.

2. I love it when someone can back up their claims right out of the gate.

If you don't look at that conga drum and think "legend," then I don't know what to do with you.

3. Send this to the right website and you could seriously convince people that dogmen exist. 

If they mention reptilians or the Illuminati and aren't making any sense, you've hit the jackpot.

4. The real prankster was whoever decided to put these two together.

Sometimes you just have to sit back and let the magic happen.

Something tells me this place won't have any problems.

5. Hahaha, I can't say I've seen a sign that made me question my life decisions before.

Of course, it might work too well and somebody will vandalize it, but it's a good effort nonetheless.

6. Nice, he's even got her hand gestures down.

Although, knowing how long these photo shoots can take, he probably got some practice.

7. Aw, it's just too bad that it's out of stock or we too could join this guy's debt adventures.

I guess there are more people out here flying golden helicopters than we thought.

8. Hahaha, this is about as close as a text gets to having fine print.

I like how even Mahboob seems disappointed that he fell for it.

You don't have to know what they did to know they nailed it...

9. I like how the results have everyone looking super chill about this mindbending stuff.

"Oh, guess my head's in the window again. Oh well, this grass isn't gonna cut itself."

10. Yeah, I'd say this checks out.

It's like the world's nudging you in the ribs and saying "see what I did there?"

11. After the way that went, I'd say it's a fair question. 

I mean, for the interview, you'd pretty much just have to show this conversation.

12. My only question is, are they looking at the same thing as 13 years ago too?

As cool as this guy is, I really wanna know what stays that interesting for that long. 

I wonder how many people would be scared of them after this...

13. Yeah, that snake definitely looks like it wants to see my manager.

And it's only slightly more likely to bite me than someone who really acts like this.

14. Well, we can't all have future powers, Stephanie.

Though, I guess I should have figured it out when she kept mumbling winning lottery numbers in her sleep. 

15. It's like the old saying goes: You can't get towed if the truck driver snaps and runs screaming into the woods.

Ah, Grandma was just full of wisdom.

16. This is legit such a cute idea

17. If people already don't like it when kids stare at them, this would really break some brains.


Author: verified_user