Tuesday, October 6, 2015

19 Kids So Funny You'll Spit Out Your Drink 19 Times

I'm the worst parent you could ever imagine. When I say, "Good night" to my three-year-old daughter and she replies with, "Night, BUM POO," I just laugh really hard instead of telling her it isn't polite to call Mommy "bum poo." 

I can't help but find my kids funny. You may scoff, but I don't know many parents and teachers who haven't had to stifle laughter when it comes to kids. Sometimes they mean to be funny, sometimes they don't. One thing is for sure, though—it's all comedy gold.

1. 100% chance that this would have also been my adult answer.

2. He's always cast as the narrator in school plays.

3. "My niece after trying a s'more for the first time."

4. When those chicken fingers are taking way too long to come out.

5. I love artisanal babies!

6. Trust me, kid. Not that doll.

7. Um, duh!

8. Team work.

9. The master.

10. This father was stuck in South Korea because his son doodled all over his passport.

11. Even worse that he's afraid of spiders.

12. Guilty by association.

13. It's your move, Mom.

14. At least he found a smart storage solution.

15. Hopefully he wasn't a method actor.

16. They're...adaptive.

17. Oh, look! Tea-rantulas.

I think I just heard you groan at that pun.

18. Halloween on the brain?

19. About right.

Do your friends have kids? Share this with them for a giggle!


Author: verified_user