Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Woman Upstages Celebrity Instagram Photos

Celeste Barber is an Instagram star who is also a budding comedian. 

Her celebrity parody pictures are out of this world hilarious, she goes all out to make them outrageous and fun. 

Check out these images and I will promise you'll laugh at every one of them! 

1. Love her tattoos! 

2. It's crazy they had the same outfits. 

3. So much love! 

4. One straw is never enough — come on, Selena! 

5. I didn't even know paddle board yoga was a thing. 

6. Where did she get a chicken?! 

7. I can't imagine those being comfortable. 

8. Duck face. Classic. 

9. Classic Insta move — pretending to be a cat. 

10. I like the finish on her car better. 

11. McDonald's is way better than hair, come on Kylie. 

12. This looks hard. 

13. Why would you drink milk when wine is an option? 

14. Taking on the contour queen...she looks good. 

15. Again, where does she find these animals? A kangaroo? 

16. Nothing like hiking in high heels. 

Main image and collage images via Instagram / @celestebarber


Author: verified_user