Tuesday, October 6, 2015

16 Things Only Lazy People Can Relate To

"One man's lazy is another, less motivated man's genius." –Socrates.

The sourcing of the above quotation may be off. I believe Plato was responsible for recording everything Socrates said, and he might have fudged it a bit. So let's just agree that Socrates OR Plato said the quotation. 

Right, so now that we know the line between lazy and genius is fine and constantly changing, let's ask ourselves, "every time I read an article about lazy people, am I actually reading an article about budding geniuses?" Think about it, the car is a lazy man's horse. The Wikipedia is a lazy man's encyclopedia. The elevator is a lazy man's stairs. Our insatiable need to be lazier has produced so many great inventions that we'd have a hard time living without. How's that for perspective?

Now, I'm not saying the people in this article are on their way to a Nobel Prize, but I am saying that they may be on their way to something to streamline our lives.Think about it, okay? Think about it.

1. How I imagine mail service operates in Grand Theft Auto.

2. Learn more about this museum by doing all the research yourself.

3. Do you want a dog with absolutely none of the physical responsibilities that comes with having a dog? 

4. "This ice cream is great, but spinning the cone is exhausting on a hot summer's day."

5. Showing my work ended in grade 12.

6. To the cartel of extraordinarily expensive shaving products: How do you like them apples?

7. Legs are for suckers

8. Never strain your neck watching TV from your bed or couch ever again!

9. Too lazy to get up and check hours. Too stupid to not just check the book store's website.

10. Pre-toasted bread. This is why the terrorists hate us. 

11. Surely this will never go out of fashion.

12. How many times can you make her breakfast in bed before she unearths this abomination?

13. "Time to play The Sims!"

14. Not only did you get all the groceries in on one trip, but you also worked out!

15. This is just common sense in the winter.

16. That's a good kitteh. Jump, kitteh!

Main image via reddit / AncientChineseSecret

Collage image via 1. Twitter / @bortore


Author: verified_user