Thursday, May 14, 2015

Guy Puts Hilarious Art Around Town To Make Us All LOL

You look like you could use a nice big boost of happy juice today, friend.

So sit back, put your feet up, grab a nice cold one and relax for a minute with me, will you? This is going to be just what we need to lighten up the mood around here. It's been a rough week, month, year and we've been waiting for someone, somewhere to come along and show us the humor in it all again. Sometimes we just need that reminder, right?

Sydney's street artist Michael Pederson does just that: He reminds us to chill out for a minute and stop taking everything so seriously. I know you know a ton of people who could use this boost, so be a good human and SHARE this with them.

1. Turning the ordinary into an emergency flare.

Skills on point. If you saw this on the street, would you smile?

2. Anyone who denies checking themselves out in reflective surfaces is a liar. 

This is comedic gold because it calls you out and makes you laugh at yourself at the same time. Win.

3. Accurate. 

It's okay folks, all that restlessness makes for some epic holiday parties!

4. You should never fake it, friends.

Don't forget: the real deal or no deal. Don't compromise. 

5. Everyone needs a good reminder of this when the ground beneath them feels a little shaky.

This particular project was placed on a side street in Ashfield.

6. A brochure most millennials would actually read.

 That's just good looking out: Who wants to be seen in public these days anyway?

7. This plant is more protected than anything I own.

It's better, too. So you know, when you're feeling the weight of the world and all stuff, keep this in mind. It could be worse: You could be jealous of dying dandelion.

8. Sometimes you need the smiles startled out of you.

For those times, I present you with this.

9. Boredom is bad, imagination makes things fun.

Don't forget ;)

10. This happens to me all the time.

Now I know I'm not the only one.

11. Yeah, I definitely missed this class in school...

Somehow I still managed to turn out okay, though. I mean, I can read this and LOL and really, what more is there these days?

12. We've all been there before.

You can probably come out after it's all blown over, though.

13. Okay, every home, office, and school needs this.

No joke.

14. You can even find humor while washing your hands.

See how easy it is to chill?

15. Take a breath, man. 

It's not all bad. In fact, it's still pretty freaking amazing out there. Get out and check it out.


Author: verified_user