Wednesday, March 11, 2015

25 People Who Must Be Stopped

We're all guilty of taking it too far, of making fools of ourselves, of being totally and completely ridiculous! The next people are no different. Unfortunately for them, their antics just happen to have been captured on the internet. 

All I can say is thank god we're all in this together! 

1. The girl who always does this.

Stay strong, woman! Speaking for all the klutzes of the world, I say, we stand with you! As long as we don't knock each other over in the process of doing so...

2. The person who eats this.

Not okay. 

Exceepppppt it kinda is okay. In fact, it's more than okay, it's a glorious, chocolaty, out-of-body, sugar-high experience. Trust me, we all need to eat like a piece of garbage sometimes...

3. Goofy. Goofy needs to be stopped.

Seriously triflin'. 

Come on, Goofy! Bros before ho — umm — honorable and perfectly respectable women...

We all know that no relationship is perfect, and Mickey has been rather preoccupied with his dancing hippos these days, but infidelity is wrong!

4. This guy needs to be stopped. 

Some people might say in their judgy tones, "Just workout, dude," but I say, "Just stop thinking about working out, dude." You'll be way happier! Who wants a beach bod anyways? 

5. This person at the party definitely needs to be stopped.

Drinking alcohol when you clearly have stuff to work through is never a good idea. Especially when you have no organs to properly filter the booze out of your system.

6. This kid. For the love of god, this kid.

Okay, so I was going to rag on this kid, but it's actually refreshing to see someone from the younger generation with a strong sense of self-worth. Also, I think he might be kinda famous...

7. Me every time this is my life. And that's quite often...

Sometimes I can't even tell if it's my life that's trash or if it's me that's trash and I'm slowly transforming everything around me into refuse. 

8. This utter disgrace of a 7-Eleven knockoff must be stopped.

How dare they besmirch such a long-standing and respected institution?! I bet their Slurpies are called Sluppies and their penny candy actually costs a nickle!

9. This friend needs to be stopped.

You know he's lying, and, more importantly, the dog definitely knows he's lying. I know that face and it's saying, "Don't play me like that, man. You know I'm not soft!"

10. Every person who plays pool but doesn't know how.

Yep, they need to be stopped. 

But as a pool player who's ripped many a table covering, mostly I wish people would just stop making meplay with them!

11. The person who decided to make bubble wrap that doesn't pop.


12. The overdramatic girl really needs to be stopped.

It's too much. If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that when people say "I literally can't" it just means "I literally will in a few minutes, after I've unloaded all my problems onto you."

13. The person who is obsessed with garlic bread.

Just stop. If you're going to be looking for any sunken treasure, it should be the 4000 pounds of cheesy sticks that perished that tragic night! SMH, people, SMH!

14. The friend who acts like a smug detective. 

Hmmm, someone needs to stop this nosy friend before she doesn't have any more friends. Get a clue, Nancy Drew! No one wants to hear it, Agatha Christie!

15. The friend that asks if you can act serious.

Ummm, sorry, but absolutely not. Some of us happen to live for laughing. If we can't laugh during totally inappropriate times about extremely serious matters, then what's the point of anything?

16. The girlfriend who thought this was a good gift.

Hey, say what you want, but I guess it's working if they're getting married. Sure, you can see her picture hundreds of times on social media, but this one is framed.

17. This mom who can't even tell her child from a cardboard cutout.

Although if you can be mistaken for Hermione Granger, then I guess things can't really be too bad. Just think of it as a compliment!

18. The boyfriend who honestly just has a death wish.

Don't you DAREtouch my makeup. All I'm saying is if dudes be thinking they like the natural look so much, why don't they go hump a tree?

19. This person who did their job and no more.

Mondays, amirite?

Some people call them lazy, but really they're the only ones smart enough to realize that most of us are not being paid enough to do "our best."

20. This person who measured never and cut once.

The epitome of "not my job." If it doesn't fit, make it fit! Not always the best words to live by, but in this scenario, they kind of worked.

21. This girl and her very detailed PowerPoint.

Some of us need a refresher course in how to not be a crap person. It looks very thorough and I'm sure it was extremely educational, so study up! I wish I could read those texts, though...

22. The mom who just wants you to look respectable.

Please stop throwing my clothes away. They're more expensive than you might think. Do you know how much I had to pay for this season's distressed look, Mother?!

23. The dude who bought an ostrich.

No doubt, bringing someone home from the bar is often a risk. However, if your companion could potentially peck your eyes out during the night, you should probably rethink the decision. 

24. The person who sent this suggestive text message

Okay, so not exactly what you were expecting, but we'll give them points for creativity, a few more for hilarity, and definitely a point for keeping it ridiculously PG...

25. Whoever designed this absolute failure of a sewer drain.

It has literally one job, and clearly it's not doing it. But to be fair, so do I, yet I can't seem to come up with a joke for this one, so we'll call it even.


Author: verified_user