Seriously, some of these people are shameful. From picking on people for what they look like, to just plain being a big ol' jerk, there's no excuse for these people.
1. The person who decided this was a good idea
2. The sibling who thought this would be a fun surprise
3. This guy who probably threw it out immediately
For shame!
4. The multiple people who decided it wasn't worth their time to just flip it over
5. The person who probably served their kids this
6. The person who just ruined a birthday
That's the best piece!
7. The person who noticed this uncanny resemblance
8. The person who added a glue stick to this drawer of lip balm
9. The person who put this here
10. The neighbor who did this
11. The person who added in the second comment
12. The person who came up with this
13. The person who took up two parking spots
Two accessible spots. Seriously?!
14. The person who decided to give her luggage a seat ON A FULL BUS
15. The person who Photoshopped this... seriously?
This is the lowest thing you could ever do. So shameful.
16. The biker who ignored the bike lane
17. The person who thought this was an acceptable note
18. The person who ruined Neapolitan for the rest of us
19. The people who completely ruined this store's floor
C'mon guys...
20. The person who wrote this as a tip
Can we just stop shaming people, please? (Well, except to shame them for shaming!)
21. And of course, the person who abused the 10 items or less lane
We all know one of these people.