Following in the tradition of hilarious teachers, we've compiled some of our favorites from all around and want to give them a big ole "A+" in the humor department. So pick up your #2 pencils and take some notes, these are a few brilliant people that anyone can learn from!
1. Accept no substitutes...
...except this substitute:
2. And the award goes to...
3. A lesson in preparation is a lesson well-learned
4. How I imagine all teachers maintain a healthy diet:
5. At least this teacher has their students' career prospects in mind...
6. Do not underestimate the power of the dork side
7. I'd make a math joke, but they're a sine of a problem
8. Sometimes they teach history, other times they make history
9. I give this teacher's joke a perfect 10!
10. Same with this teacher's astute observation:
11. No one just looks at their crotch.
12. This teacher would definitely be my hero:
13. A perfect demonstration of physics...
14. Scheduling and time management are very important
15. As is doing your homework, especially when it's something as awesome as this:
16. And last, but not least, this teacher who taught an entire lecture dressed like this