Friday, November 17, 2017

Divers Seeking Sunken Ships Find Beauty In The Most Bizarre Places

As a child, I was absolutely terrified of ships. A part of that fear was because they traveled on large bodies of water where I couldn't see the bottom. 

But lately, I've been looking at sunken ships. I've found a certain beauty in them. From the way they're situated to the life that grows around them, they're fascinating finds. 

Off The Coast Of Antarctica

In April 2012, the Mar Sem Fin sank. It was 76-foot Brazilian yacht that succumbed to strong winds and a rough sea. All the people on board survived. 

Off The Coast Of Bermuda

Bermuda is known for the mysterious disappearance of ships and planes. In its waters are a graveyard of around 300 ships. It's a gold mine for divers! 

Off The Coast Of Öland, Sweden

On March 31, 1564, the Mars, the largest and fieriest warship, sank. It was 197-feet-long and had a cargo of gold and silver coins. Its discovery a few years ago showed its remarkable condition. It has been underwater for over 500 years.

Off The Coast Of Curaçao 

Saba the tugboat sank just off the coast of Curaçao (between Jan Thiel and Sea Aquarium Beach). It's now a popular diver spot as the deteriorating ship has become a home to marine life.   

Off The Coast Of Tobermory, Canada

The Sweepstakes sank in Georgian Bay on September 1885. The ship had originally been damaged and sank on its way to be repaired. This wreck can be seen from the surface of the water and is one of the most popular sunken ships in Ontario, Canada. 

Off The Coast Of Nono Lagoon, Solomon Islands

The Taiyo was a tuna boat that crashed into a reef, started to sink, and ended up sitting upright on a deep ledge. 

Off The Coast Of The Cayman Islands

The USS Kittiwake was a navy ship that was in service from 1945 to 1994. The ship was a planned wreck and sank in January 2011. The Kittiwake is 251 feet long and is now an artificial reef.

Off The Coast Of Safaga, Egypt

The Salem Express sunk on December 17, 1991. It was a passenger ferry that sank after hitting a reef on a stormy night. 

Off The Coast Of Lady Elliot Island, Australia

The yacht sank in 1998. Urban legend has it that amidst a divorce, the husband sank the yacht as it was the only object wanted by his soon to be ex-wife. Known as the Severance Wreck, it can found a few hundred meters off the coast of Lady Elliot Island. 

Off The Coast Of Papua New Guinea

The Der Yang was Taiwanese long-line fishing boat that sank in 1988 on the Echuca Patch reef. The ship had been seized for falsifying the size of its catches. The authorities then deployed the Der Yang as a decoy to seize other illegal ships. When this failed, they sunk the ship to deter other illegal fishing boats.

Off The Coast Of Egypt

The Giannis D sank on April 19, 1983. The 326-foot cargo ship hit the Sha’ab Abu Nuhas Reef and sank into the Red Sea. 

Off The Coast Of Roatan, Honduras

The Odyssey is a 300-foot freighter that was intentionally sank in 2002 for divers. The Odyssey was originally damaged by a fire and and has now become a home for numerous species of fish. 

Off The Coast Of Berrow, England

The Norwegian SS Noren sank in March 1897. It lies off the coast pf St Mary’s Parish Church at Berrow. You can dive to check out this wreck. However, if you wait till the tide goes down you can see part of the ship sticking out of the water. 

Off The Coast Of Pelican Island, Texas

The SS Selma was intentionally sank on March 9, 1922. It had originally been damaged in 1920 and failure to fix it resulted in its intentional sinking. It's the only permanent wreck along the Houston Ship Channel. 

Off The Coast Of Oman 

It's believed this wreck is the remains of Esmeralda, a ship from 16th century Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama's fleet. It was said to have been destroyed by a storm while on its second journey to India.

Off The Coast Of Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands

The Hilma Hooker, a known drug-boat, sank on September 12, 1984. It had been abandoned by its owners prior to its sinking. It is one of the most popular attractions for divers in the Caribbean.


Author: verified_user