Do you know anyone who loves their teeth? SHARE this with them!
Gotta keep that mouth nice and healthy!
1. Aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use the gel extracted from the plant to brush your teeth or mix it up to use as a mouth wash.
2. A quick swish with some lemon oil can work wonders. Lemon oil can stimulate tissue formation and it also has extremely strong anti-bacterial properties, enabling it to clean those gums out!
3. Stop smoking. This is a controversial one (if you're a smoker, that is), but smoking has been linked to all kinds of things, including gum disease.
4. Brush properly and brush often. Make sure you use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently brush your teeth. Don't apply a ton of pressure or you might damage your gums!
5. Get your floss on. I know, flossing sucks, but it's totally necessary. Floss can remove the plaque from places your toothbrush can't, so it's important to floss. Be careful not to be too rough, though!
6. Rose vinegar. A swish of rose vinegar actually serves as a potent mouthwash that will help strengthen the gums. Plus it looks cool!