Here are the 16 most hilarious messages ever left on a pizza box. Let's just say they delivered.
1. Philosoraptor says...
2. Hungry, hungry pizza monster
3. I think you mean "He Who Must Not Be Named"
4. They're pizza chefs, not artists!
5. Be prepared
6. Close enough
7. Do you want to make the cute koala sad? Because that's how you make the cute koala sad
8. Hon hon hon
9. But at least you'll have something to post to the internet
10. He's a hungry bear
11. Spock's tip for LLAP: eat a salad
12. Unicorn power!
13. That awkward moment when...
14. I hope it didn't arrive partly eaten
15. An unbeatable combination
16. Self-portrait of a pizza... and a duck
Collage sources: 1) tumblr / 2) Dorkly