(Pause for dramatic effect)
Do you have friends, family, kids, or pets even, who are all about the drama-life? Tag 'em in the comments and share this around. If not, I'll be soooooo sad, I just won't know what to do!!!
1. When you're into finger painting, but you're also destroyer of worlds!
2. When you tell your friends you're staying in for the night...
3. When you're hit with the cold, harsh realities of life...
4. When you really flipped your lid(s)
5. And when you absolutely had to have the greatest entrance at prom...
6. Relax guys, it's just lunch right?
7. That look you give when you send your meal back that restaurant...
8. Or that reaction to hearing glass shatter!
10. Being dramatic often leads to over exaggeration as well...
11. And sometimes inanimate objects will just be dramatic themselves...
12. When you get really passionate about the little things in life
13. Just going for a simple car ride, but it feels like the Avengers have assembled
14. Over-reaction to a fairly simple question, don't ya think?
15. When your morning routine gets a little out of hand...
16. When men out-dramatize the women...
17. And Batman — even Batman — can get super dramatic from time to time
Collage images via 1. Imgur / TheGrinningOwl 2. reddit / blandisgrand 3. Imgur / sausagedelay