Saturday, September 24, 2016

Cancer Patient Marries His High School Sweetheart When He's Told It's Terminal

Twenty-nine rounds of chemotherapy. Two surgeries. Fifty-five days of radiation treatments.

This is what life looked like for 18-year-old Luke Blanock over the past two years as he has battled a type of bone cancer referred to as Ewing's sarcoma.

In November 2013, Luke began having episodes where he would lose the ability to feel his legs. It was only a month later that the brave teen was diagnosed with cancer, discovering that a tumor on his spine was blocking his blood flow.

Luke began chemotherapy treatment in January 2013 and began to face the tough road ahead.

However, he didn’t let his cancer hold him back from finding love and marrying his high school sweetheart... and what resulted from their love was incredible.

Luke met his girlfriend Natalie Britvich in middle school.

"She puts me in a better mood on days when I'm feeling sick or just have no energy,” Luke told Today. Those days where Luke felt sick or had no energy came often, as he endured a grueling two years in and out of hospital. Despite his illness, he was determined to continue living his life as best as possible.

Luke had been an all-star baseball and basketball player while at Canon-McMillan High School.

When he was diagnosed with cancer, his health started to worsen, but Luke fought on, continuing his involvement in sports as best as possible.

"I didn't want to let anything stop me from playing because playing sports and being around the team were a couple of the things I enjoyed most ... And when I was on the field or the court, I didn't really feel like a cancer patient so much,” Luke said.

Even when facing life-threatening cancer, Luke pushed onward, determined to live his life to the fullest…

In December 2015, doctors told Luke his cancer was terminal.

The teen had gone through chemotherapy, surgeries and even had part of his hip replaced with titanium rod in hopes of removing his tumor. Despite the turmoil and struggles Luke endured, doctors recommended Luke stop chemotherapy treatments and allow the cancer to spread. However, Luke had other plans, and that was to keeping pushing onward.

“I spent a lot of time in thought sitting in hospitals so I realized what was most important to me.”

"And I realized that what was most important to me was the people around me. They're what keep me positive,” Luke told Today.

The courageous teen decided to continue his chemotherapy treatments and propose to his “No.1” supporter: his girlfriend Natalie Britvich.

Her support would ultimately help change his life…

Luke and Natalie were married in a beautiful ceremony on February 19 with many local vendors offering their services for free.

"It's pretty incredible to see how people show their support and have done so since my original diagnosis since 2013," said Luke. "That's one thing that definitely keeps me going on the tough days ... So many different people stepped up and offered their services for free."

The new couple said that the donations were extremely helpful since Luke’s medical expenses had been so high, and they were thrilled to spend the day surrounded by family and friends.

What happened after their wedding was incredible…

After marrying the love of his life, Luke’s health improved.

Luke’s cancer is no longer terminal, and he has been completely taken off pain medication.

On Luke’s GoFundMePage, his parents shared the quote, “With love there is hope!” 

Luke and his wife Natalie are a living example of those words, resembling the true hope and power of love.


Author: verified_user