Saturday, July 2, 2016

15 Moms Who Are Too Damn Funny

Moms are awesome because they care so much that it gets to the point where it's comical and they're usually unintentionally funny. It's as though they were cool and normal human beings up until they had kids, then some sort of switch flipped and they turned into the hilariously lame person that comes with the territory of being a caring, adorable parent.

And what's even better is that no matter how hard they try, they can never revert back to being cool, and when they do try, it just looks like they're having a midlife crisis of some sort.

Case in point:

These moms will surely remind you of your own. Check it out:

1. She said "damn" in front of Santa. This is what happened:

2. When you think they got something right in the world of technology, they prove you wrong almost immediately:

3. When they find out about something "new", they use it like it's going out of style:

4. Moms know how to have fun when they go on this mom who sent this picture of her and a drug dealer in Jamaica to her kid:

5. This mom who prefaced her text with "Dude". Absolutely rad:

6. The struggle is so real sometimes when it comes to moms and tech:

7. There's never a dull moment with mom:

8. Moms tell it how it is...and it can be gross as hell:

9. And they even use their momness to their advantage in order to gross you the hell out:

10. And when autocorrect mistakenly corrects them, it's even funnier:

11. Moms never seem to give you the benefit of the doubt:

12. They even get the selfie game down...and do it better than their kids:

13. And they make their pets suffer with weird outfits like they did with their children when they were young:

14. Moms have learned not to beat around the bush...

15. I told you...moms have learned to be brutally honest and it's awesome. This is a gift of goodies a mom sent to her son...remember, mom is always right:

Collage Source: 1) imgur | reddit /u/ hotdogfinatic 2) imgur / Chizzyo


Author: verified_user