1. The main cast of actors were put through a real-life boot camp as a way to prepare for the film and bond them together.
Tom Hanks said that the actors wouldn't have been able to reach the right mindset for their characters if they hadn't been put through it.
2. Well, almost all the core actors. Matt Damon got to skip it so that the other actors would feel real resentment towards him.
Considering how much the actors hated the cold, exhausting, and miserable experience of the camp, I'd say this probably worked.
3. Veterans from World War II have described this movie to be the most accurate film portrayal of their time in battle.
As did WWII historians.
4. Some of the soldiers in the war drowned as soon as they got off the boat. Spielberg included this tragic reality in the movie.
Soldiers were already wearing heavy equipment. When their gear became soaking wet, it weighed them down, preventing them from making it back to the surface.