Friday, November 4, 2016

People Are Very Angry About These New American Girl Dolls And Their Underwear

People care a lot about the toys they let their children play with. This is totally understandable because you only want your children to play with age-appropriate toys that don't influence them negatively in any way. On the other hand, the internet world loves to pick apart very small issues that may not be issues at all. I'll let you make up your mind about the following controversy. 

Recently, American Girl Dolls announced that they will be changing the underwear on their dolls moving forward. What may seem like an innocent change has gotten a lot of people mad. 

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There's no doubt that American Girl Dolls are incredibly popular.

The dolls have garnered a passionate fan base and YouTube videos incorporating the dolls have become increasingly popular. 

Since 1986, American Girl Dolls have been pushing the envelope with respect to certain social issues. 

The company has committed to producing dolls of multiple racial backgrounds, making it clear that inclusiveness is important to their brand. A recent change to their dolls has people talking, though...

The company announced on their Facebook page that there would be a subtle change to the underwear on their dolls moving forward. 

Here is a shot of the new underwear. 

You probably don't notice much. 

Let's take a look at the old underwear the dolls have had in the past...

American Girl posted this picture of the original underwear. 

Now let's look back at the new ones. 

Here are the new ones again. The catch is that you can't remove underwear from the dolls anymore – they are secured to the doll's body. 

The company compared the two sets of underwear in this way because, outwardly, they don't look different. 

Here's a shot of the American Doll swimwear. 

In their Facebook post, American Doll said that "As you can see, the underwear will not interfere with any of our doll clothes and should not interfere with our swimwear."  

While this may seem like a very minor change to the dolls, many fans are threatening to boycott the dolls altogether. 

Many people believe that the change will have a negative impact on a child's body image. 

American Girl responded to one such comment saying that issues related to body image were not in mind when the decision was made. 

While many of the comments were supportive of the change, other fans claimed that the change makes the toy less valuable when the current prices of the dolls are already high. 

American Girl wants to assure their fans that their comments regarding the new changes will be taken very seriously. 

"We take our customer comments very seriously, as well as any changes to our dolls. We would never change our dolls without careful consideration, and we want to address feedback received about the new underwear design, which will eventually affect all of our Truly Me dolls; the BeForever characters Julie, Melody, and Maryellen; and some of our contemporary dolls to come."

American Girl sent Jezebel an update on the debacle and have attempted to clear up any issues related to the change. "The decision to make this change was made for several reasons, including our ability to continue producing a quality product without the price of our dolls going up." 

"And because we learned from our consumer research that the new underwear design will make play easier for some children and will ensure the underwear cannot be lost, we hoped it was an overall benefit for most," American Girl wrote. 

What do you think about the new change to these dolls? Leave a COMMENT on Facebook letting us know your thoughts. 


Author: verified_user