1. Fact: fedoras are for Indiana Jones and Humphrey Bogart. Trilbies are for people who have patchy facial hair and say "m'lady"
2. Flowers are the best way to figure out who your girl really is
3. And while we're on the topic of bees...
I bet you've never heard the next interesting fact about Hitler...
5. You can never trust a cat...
7. Based on the above information, I don't doubt it
8. Shower DC = 10
9. They're still better than cats
10. It gets them right in the gag reflex
11. Sweet dreams
12. This is the real Marsh-all Mathers, straight from the marsh
13. They're great to have around if you ever discover you've been dating a swarm of bees from #3
14. The emotional responses elicited from the stages of a toilet paper roll
15. If only you could see past the flabby, blood-sucking exterior...