1. This makes no mother-smurfing sense at all
2. And then there's this genius use of "physics"
3. How can Dora be a genius and such an idiot at the same time?
4. When and where characters decide to wear clothes is constantly mindboggling
5. The thing about Dexter is, he's always hustlin'
6. The dude does not know the meaning of "incognito"
7. But if you really wanna talk about exposing your secrets, look no further than Superman himself!
8. Then on the flip-side, sometimes these ridiculous "disguises" actually work!
9. Then there's this brilliant use of "science"
10. No movie version of Spider-Man could ever capture thismagic!
What's even crazier is that later on in this scene, he pulls a cord to start the engine of his boat...which he alsomade from webs!
11. It's good to know that if you don't have ears, you can always put headphones around your freaking eyes!
12. Or, if you do have ears, there's no sense in putting headphones over them at all apparently...
13. I guess they were just lucky that Ariel didn't start jamming this dinglehopper straight into the hearts of her enemies
14. Well, he had been out sailing the ocean for months on end before this, so maybe I can't fully blame Eric here...
15. SpongeBob is notorious for that classic "cartoon logic" freedom
Case and point: underwater fire.
16. So much madness in one screenshot...
17. Well, most of the time SpongeBob is the king of "cartoon logic," most of the time...