As sure as the clouds are made of rain...
As sure as tides go in and out...
There will always be trolls on the planet. They'll occupy the comment sections on websites. They'll disagree with you just to piss you off. They'll make you press the keyboard on your phone SO hard in frustration. They'll do ALL these things because this is what they're good at. And in today's article, we're paying homage to the text messaging trolls. A special breed of hooligan that has probably cost untold millions of dollars in broken phones from being thrown at and through walls.
Meh. I think they're pretty funny. Hope you do too!
1. I wish all my rejections were that straightforward
2. Should have followed up with, "...but does it need a dad? I need a hobby on the weekends."
3. I'd just tell the guy the car got sold. I couldn't face that embarrassment.
4. That whale looks healthy.
5. This kid has already mastered the dad joke.
6. What are these "Japan things"?!
7. Speaking of dad jokes...
8. "Jerry, just's not a lie...if you believe it." –George Costanza.
9. This is funny until the realization that you're too poor to see real palm trees kicks in.
10. I've been on both sides of desperation. I'm glad I can laugh at this now.
11. The old three dot typing GIF. God this pisses people off.
12. Nothing like needlessly frustrating friends and family.
13. "Cocaine? Ganja? What???" Hahaha.
14. We're calling animals sons and daughters now, eh? History is going to remember 2016 as a weird, weird year.
But damn, that's a cute dog.
15. Waaaaait. She wasn't about to marry a man who proposed through text, right?
16. Ha! Mahboob...My boob. Great stuff.
17. Rough way to let someone go, but hey, you're internet famous now, so that's a win.
18. Who doesn't respond to a text about pizza?! Get that person out of your life.
19. They'd make a cute couple tbh.