Thursday, December 24, 2015

Win A Bar Bet Every Time — Because Science!

There are two occasions when science behaving like magic can be particularly handy: when entertaining a group of restless 8-year-olds at a birthday party and when trying to win a bar bet. Either way, it's pretty much an even deal. Keeping kids armed with fistfuls of cake entertained and out of your hair is just as good as a free drink — maybe even better if you factor in the potential carpet-cleaning bill. But hey, let the kids have their bubbling beakers and glowing green goo; the grown-ups have bar bets to win!

The secret to winning bar bets, of course, is knowing the outcome beforehand. That's why, in bar bets, science is your friend — it's predictable. Scientific principles aren't accepted as fact until they're repeatable. We know water's freezing point is -32 degrees Fahrenheit because it always freezes at that temperature. That's how you know this bar trick will work in your favor — it has always happened that way before. The underlying science won't just change on a whim. The bonus? This trick is pretty cool and fun to watch! It's a grown-up thing that will make you feel like a kid again!


Author: verified_user