The owner of a farm in Oregon looked at that basic fact and made a connection I can't believe anyone hadn't made sooner — why not goats? People love goats, too! Especially baby ones. So she started Goat Yoga, and now she has a very long waiting list.
Goat Yoga is about both mental and physical health.
The company's mission is "to provide an experience that improves your mental and physical health by combining Goats and Yoga." Now there's a cause I can get behind.
Owner Lainey Morse named her farm "No Regrets."
In warm weather the classes are held outside, but there are also cold weather classes held indoors.
I wish I didn't have allergies!
It's not so much the goats, which are adorable, but the hay that makes my nose twitch.
The goats may technically be a distraction from the yoga.
But I doubt anyone is complaining!
Are you going to add Goat Yoga to your bucket list? Or are you like me and have to watch from afar in jealousy?