Sunday, December 6, 2015

20 Things You'll Definitely See On St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is a celebration of the foremost patron saint of Ireland who brought Christianity to a pagan Ireland and, according to legend, drove snakes away from — ah who are we kidding? Let's get drunk! 

That's super fun and all, but have you ever noticed that each year tends to bring about the same types of thing, over and over again? I'm not just talking about the color green plastering the streets, or those sweet tunes you only get to enjoy around this time — that all makes some sense. But seriously, what's up with those gigantic buckled hats? Or the Irish flag being worn as a cape? You'll see all sorts of decor in both unique and totally unoriginal ways, and most of the time we just accept it. Once you take in all that's associated with St. Paddy's, you start to realize it can be just as predictable as seeing red and white in December or sexy versions of various costumes on Halloween. 

That being said, just like any other holiday, it's time to reflect with some serious thinking, er, sorry, drinking. Serious drinking. No matter how predictable the holiday gets, some people still blow us away with their crazy drunken antics, and we love them for it. 

Have you and your crew got what it takes to make it to a list like this? Let us know in the comments what crazy antics you'll be getting up to this year. Or let us know which predictable St. Paddy's tradition annoys you the most! Let's all have a pint and laugh at this madness of a holiday! Cheers! 

1. The preparation

Every bar in the area will be saying, "Brace yourselves..."

2. Crappy T-shirt puns

Whether it's "Irish you were naked" or "kiss thisblarney stone," everyone has one! This particular one ought to be popular this year.

3. The luck of the Irish!

Finding a four-leaf clover will bring you luck! Wearing it on your belt will get you lucky. 

4. Cultural appropriation

Make sure to do your stretches...

5. Underage drinking

Cause in Ireland, the drinking age is "whatever!" 

6. Over-celebrating 

We do things a little differently in North America, but hey, thanks for the excuse to party, Ireland!

7. Just kidding, no one parties like the Irish 

This shot is taken from outside the Temple Bar in Dublin, Ireland. They make your alcoholism look like Buddhism! 

8. This level of ridiculousness 

We have no idea how he wound up like this, but a dude can get literally tied up during this holiday. Again, no one does it like the Irish.

9. Green beer! And lotsof it!

The one time of the year that adding food coloring to alcohol seems like a reasonable decision. So what if it looks like you're drinking the ooze that mutated the Ninja Turtles, it's St. Paddy's! The bonus is that you'll get to see that glorious color twice: once when downing it, and again when upchucking it. 

10. Rainbows leading to pots of gold

Did I say pots of gold? I meant kegs of beer. In this economy, we're better off with the Guinness anyway. 

11. Ingenious designs 

Anyone can slap on a green T-shirt or hat, but every now and then, a totally unique fashion choice comes along that makes you stare and say, "Whoa, this is either the most brilliant or the most idiotic thing I've ever seen in my life." Really though, can't it be both?

12. These girls... These girls everywhere 

You can hear them a mile away around every corner you turn. Most of them make a man's drinking look like a nun's... until about 3 p.m., when you can find them passed out in various places around campus and downtown, practicing that "Irish yoga." Responsible drinking? Response: able drinking. 

13. The slow but steady transformation from morning to night...

14. These dancing girls

There are performances from these girls in every town, and I have no idea how they do it. Here's a breakdown of what it takes to be a traditional Irish dancer. Long story short, it's completely insane. 

15. People who celebrate in their own way

You don't always have to traverse the busy streets downtown. You can just grab whatever Irish-like things you have nearby and make a day of it!

16. People who knowthey're not Irish

This bartender shows her spirit without the lie we all tell ourselves about being "Irish for a day."

17. These guys...

The only thing louder than the drunk college girls: them bagpipes! Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are annoying...

18. Everyone and everything = drunk

I assume this is what all rainbows look like in Ireland, which is why it's hard to follow them to the pot of gold. 

19. Your buddy who went too hard too early

Bless 'em for trying, but don't think he's not going to wake up without markings all over his face/body. 

20. And maybe, just maybe, you'll see a leprechaun

If you see this leprechaun, you're the luckiest person on St. Patrick's Day.

And if you did see a leprechaun say, "Yeah!" 

Main image via imgur / FreeStuff2015

Collage images via 1. imgur / FreeStuff2015 2. imgur / OmegaMangos 3. imgur / stanfrich 


Author: verified_user