Wednesday, November 4, 2015

21 Evil Tips And Tricks That Are Actually Genius

It's said that nice guys (and girls) finish last. Maybe that's because those who are willing to be just a little bit evil in their day-to-day life seem to use their trolling ability to get ahead in life.

1. RIP eardrums.

2. Green locks: too magical to be real.

3. Jelly Belly's been trolling us all for years.

4. Oh, that's low.

5. But... what does it look like if it actually sinks?

6. I mean, you're more likely not to encounter it, so why not roll the dice?

7. What kind of monster does this?

8. Evil geniuses or evil morons?

9. Magnificent.

10. A terrible person with useful knowledge of insurance regulations.

11. This one never works.

12. Technically, we don't know for sure that this isn't the case.

13. Nesquik picante.

14. Fool me once...

15. Satisfies doesn't really satisfy.

16. Simple and effective.

17. The owner thought she'd find it hilarious.

18. Mess with my Cheetos? That's diabolical.

19. Trollololol.

20. So much ouch.

21. Safe fun. Safe, troll-y fun.


Author: verified_user