Friday, November 27, 2015

12 Interesting Pics That Are Straight Out Of Your Nightmares

Some things in life are interesting to see, but would be terrifying to actually experience. But we do see them because the person who encountered a given scary sight knew full well how fascinating it was and decided to share it. 

Hey, at least someone should be able to enjoy it, right? And there can be some interesting opportunities to learn from the weird things our fellow netizens discover.

So let's take a moment to thank our canaries in the coal mine for these 13 creepy pictures.

1. This giant worm might make your skin crawl, but if you see one, please don't hurt it.

It's a rare and endangered Oregon giant earthworm. It can apparently only burrow in certain types of soil, which doesn't leave it with a lot of livable land. 

And so, when agricultural or industrial develop threatens the worm's habitat, there's often no place for it to go.

2. Careful when you're using your microwave late at night because you might get a surprise visit from a new little friend.

Apparently, it's not uncommon for bugs to get inside a microwave and you often won't know until either they show themselves like this or it stops working. And the kicker is that a microwave like this isn't repairable for health reasons, so you'll end up having to junk it.

3. This patch of sickening ooze is often called "star jelly."

But what is it really? Frankly, we don't know.

For one thing, it usually disappears before anyone can study it. But as far as we can tell, it could be bacterial in origin, it doesn't seem to come from plants or animals, and it's capable of growing fungi. At present, that seems to be about it.

It's known to smell pretty terrible, though. So it's a good thing we're only seeing a picture of it.

4. If you have a fear of flying, I'm afraid this isn't going to help.

This is what happens when a fuel cap isn't properly secured. If it comes ajar, the fuel will leak.

Fortunately, it's something pilots usually catch during pre-flight checks and it's possible to land safely when it does happen. It just really shouldn't.

5. You may be wondering why this man is posing with a corpse.

Actually, the corpse is the man's deceased relative and the man is caring for him until he can properly buried. According to the traditions of the Torajan people, an indigenous group who make their home in Indonesia, a person's social status is determined by their funeral. For a person's life to be properly celebrated, their funeral must be incredibly complex and expensive.

And so, families will work hard to accumulate wealth explicitly for this purpose. If a person dies before their family has enough money, they have to keep their body around and care for it as if the person is alive. Until they're able to raise money for the funeral, the deceased is only considered to be suffering from an illness.

6. While this car's owner slept, it looks like something used it as a chew toy.

Faced with such intense and beastly damage, the owner was understandably upset and wondered just what attacked his car. He guessed it may have been a dog, but it's more likely that it was a pack of them.

They had apparently been trying to get his cat, so it's possible that the cat had annoyed a wild dog, who responded by calling his pack together to strike. Since the car had a lot of blood surrounding it, they likely gave up after injuring their mouths on it.

7. Yes, that is a cobra.

Specifically, it's an Indian cobra known as Naja naja.They only attack unprovoked during mating season, but this man is still taking a pretty big risk because their bites are potentially fatal to humans. 

8. This may look like it came off a Big Daddy, but it's actually a horn shark egg.

A female horn shark will lay two of these every two weeks between February and April. The eggs are drill-shaped so the mother can wedge them into crevices without any fear of predators scooping them out. 

9. This might be a grisly sight, but it has probably has a pretty mundane origin.

While there have been cases of stalkers leaving animal heads on people's doorsteps, the heads usually come from larger animals. This is likely the handiwork of a cat, since some will either show a preference for their prey's head or body.

10. This is an X-ray of a woman who had undergone foot binding.

This incredibly painful practice was a sign of social status and desirability for women in 13th century China, but it's possible to find women born in the 20th century who have these "golden lotus" feet. 

Fortunately, the practice is considered abhorrent in modern China and there are no factories producing the binding-related lotus shoes since the last one shut down in 1999. 

Still, it's surprising to learn that foot binding persisted, even on a small scale, long enough that someone with golden lotus feet can receive an X-ray.

11. It's hard to make a giant insect adorable, but this is about as close as you can get.

This is a giant weta. They're usually found in New Zealand, but this one is the largest weta on record. Weighing in at 71 grams, she's larger than a sparrow and is three times as big as your average mouse.

12. This dog developed this unusual growth overnight. 

The owner seemed worried that it was a tumor, but the speed of its appearance apparently points to a tooth abscess, likely the result of a particularly difficult bite.

It's something that deserves an immediate trip to the vet if you see it on your dog, but it's certainly preferable to cancer.

13. A hornet nest forms around a mask in a shed and creates nightmare fuel

Hornets are nothing to mess with. Bees are cool. They offer us honey and other awesome things. Hornets though? Completely useless. 


Author: verified_user