This suspicion was confirmed to me when I walked into the kitchen one afternoon and he had his nose pressed against it with his lips suctioned to the glass.
Here are some other animals who just really love their window.
1. He looks like he is very serious about licking this window.
2. He looks like he is enjoying himself!
3. Okay, this squirrel is probably after someone's breakfast.
4. What a majestic animal.
5. I have to admit, my cat likes to lick the bathtub, too.
6. Have you ever seen a little hamster tongue? So cute!
7. That is some very direct eye contact.
8. Have you ever seen anything happier?
9. Another squirrel hunting for coffee.
10. Look at this little guy making a scene.
11. Okay, that is a pretty delicious looking cake.
12. This is one sassy looking giraffe.
Do you have any pictures of your pets being silly? Share them with us in the COMMENTS and don't forget to SHARE!