Of course, not all of them can be on the same page. So when everybody gathers, there's always one relative with little opinions about where you are in life.
But while they jaw away with advice nobody asked for, you can still keep a smile on your face if you think like these folks.
1. I don't know. You guys seem happy enough about it.
2. You know, it probably took some time to get all those different flowers.
Still, if you're gonna put 'em in water, maybe pick a place that's not visible from the street.
And while you're at it, cut a few of your own flowers just to throw any potential angry mobs off the scent.3. Many of us worry about disappointing our parents, but sometimes, it goes the other way around.
4. If you know something you're about to do will bug your parents, just ask yourself one question: is it funny?
Hopefully, Mom won't ruin it by sliding handwritten texts under your door.
5. Sometimes, there's even an upside to disappointing yourself.
After all, if you weren't single, you'd have to share it, and there are a lot of relationships out there that ain't worth that.
6. Of course, it always helps when someone's only disappointed because they don't have all the facts.
7. Even the worst brain farts can become fine entertainment for the rest of us to enjoy.
8. And hey, they don't have to know you messed something up.
Yeah, try to razzle and dazzle 'em without letting them try it because it's also really inconvenient to actually play.
For real, I don't even know how you're supposed to play those keys in the middle.
It seems like if they put something difficult in front of you, all you've got is a really creative way to dislocate your wrists.9. If you're really crafty, you can frame somebody else as the source of everybody's disappointments.
Hahaha, we're so evil.
10. And if there's nobody else to blame, even the letdown itself can be used to your advantage.
11. And remember, they can't really be disappointed if even the effort exceeded their expectations.
At this point, I think we'll take "pretty good."
I think we can learn a lot from this helpful-ish beetle.
I don't know about y'all, but I think I'd rather get this reaction than rolling eyes or big sighs.And trust me, the negative reactions are even worse when they don't rhyme.
12. And if all else fails, just be adorable.
That is unless you make a habit of wrestling the glassware.
13. And what they don't know is that sometimes, the disappointed reaction is its own reward.
14. Uh...I can't really relate this to anything in our lives, but it's probably disappointing somebody.
The text itself is good for a chuckle, but I don't blame you for not even bothering to read it.
If he wants people to swipe right just to find out what that picture's all about, it'll probably work.15. This guy, who is both a winner and a loser at the same time.
It's all about that A+ for effort.
Because creativity is a dying art. It is about time we start appreciating the smart wits and sass that belong to the children of today.16. So it looks as though I won't be speaking to you.
Chicken isn't supposed to be red. It just isn't.
I truly cannot imagine what this would taste like, but I can only assume it tastes like every regret you've ever had.17. Being a disappointment is definitely the right choice in this situation.
Mwahahaha. Love her spirit. Love that she's crushing playboys left, right, and center.
Who's to say what fun is? My idea of fun is mozzarella sticks and Monopoly. That's how I have fun.18. This girl who disappointed herself in the most hilarious way possible.
19. This guy who honestly has my vote for dreamiest gym bae
20. Oh, Ashley. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. Love you girl.
21. Sure, whatever car is actually behind the gate is gonna be an instant disappointment, but it's all worth it for this.
Actual footage of the painter of said salacious garden gate.
Clearly, they live for the drama. For the scamming lifestyle. They like to trick people. They like to pretend to be bougie. And honestly, same.22. It'd be even better if both of these happened on the same day.
I wonder how she'll top that one.