Monday, August 10, 2015

16 People Who Are Seriously Confused About Nail Art

Look, no one ever said painting your nails was easy.

Attempting a single color is hard enough, never mind patterns, stencils, and fancy designs. Still, some people like to get adventurous with their nail art, and, well, adventures don't always have happy endings.

Let's just say some things are best left to the professionals. 

1. When your manicurist is in kindergarten.

This has a very "kindergarten art time" feel to it. 

The random combination of colors mixed with glitter (and just a hint of lint) really brings me back to preschool.

2. When you refuse to accept that your nails are too short.

Listen, it's pretty difficult to rock candy corn nail art when your own nails are smaller than candy corns.

3. So, this is how at-home stencils look, huh.

We all want fancy nail art, but we don't like giving other people our money.

Sometimes we have to try things ourselves, just to fully understand why we pay other people to do them.

4. When the Pinterest tutorial doesn't go as planned.

This is the last time you're following a step-by-step infographic from your Pins.

From now on, you're sticking to YouTube tutorials and only YouTube tutorials.

5. When the conceptseemed simple enough at first.

"Alright, so now that I have these two colors on, all I need to do before they dry is use a paintbru— annnnd they're dry."

6. When you get a mani and immediately go digging for worms.

Come on. You really should do your gardening before you go to the nail salon.

This is just simple life-planning, people.

7. When you tell yourself, "I'll just do touch-ups afterwards."

But then you get carried away and completely give up on any attempt to stay within the nail bed.

No amount of nail polish remover-soaked Q-Tips can save you now.

8. When your patriotism is a little, erm, questionable.

Last I checked, it was a star-spangled banner, but I suppose these polka dots aren't entirely unconstitutional.

Still, there's only 18 dots and six stripes, which just seems plain wrong.

9. Not really sure what's going on here.

I'm assuming it's another ode to the U.S. 

There's clearly a ton of patriotism out there. 

People just have interesting ways of showing it.

10. These deserve an A for effort. 

The noses on Santa's reindeer aren't perfect, but Rudolph's is the only one that matters anyway.

And the photo on the right is clearly SpongeBob, just a creepy, half-skeleton version of SpongeBob.

11. When the two-tone polish doesn't work out as planned.

I understand the concept.

I'm just not sure why the white nail polish looks like the stuff used to cover up cracks in walls.

12. When you wanted red tips but it looks like you have severalbad hangnails instead.

The good news is that I'm not the only one who has an index fingernail that's always shorter than the rest of them.

13. When you try a French manicure without a French manicure kit.

I am equally intrigued and terrified to see what lies beneath these tape stripes.

You know what might have worked better? Duct tape.

14. When you wanted a 3D effect but you're still stuck in 2D.

Well, that one glitter nail is pretty cute. I'll say that.

I truly have no words for the other four.

15. When you walk into a random salon and hope for the best.

But it ends up being run by aliens and your nails come out looking like this.

The lesson? Always get a referral before you try a new salon.

16. And finally, when you try really hard to be festive.

But it turns out a little less Christmas and a little more Nightmare Before Christmas.

Still, can't blame anyone for trying.

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Author: verified_user