Tuesday, August 11, 2015

13 Things That Should Go Back Where They Came From

Every now and then, we'll come across something that gives us a tingle of dread. We may not know what we're looking at or where it came from. All we know is that we want it gone immediately.

Whether it's a strange bug or a creepy doll, they have a way of just showing up without warning when you think your day's going perfectly normally. But when they do, suddenly the moment is ruined and the fight-or-flight instinct kicks in. Either that thing goes or we do, and we can even surprise ourselves with how violently we react.

So today, let's conquer our jitters and have a look at these 13 things that we can all be glad we're not sharing a room with.

Don't forget to COMMENT and tell us what you can't stand to be around.

1. A redditor checked into a nice hotel only to see this in their room.

Apparently, this creature was created by French artist Christian Vallee, who also goes by Kriki. I'm not sure what it is, but he seems to feature it in a lot of his work.

2. If you see this larva, you really don't want to squash it.

That's because this leaf beetle keeps all of its poop in that transparent sac as a defense against predators. Yeah, that's what those little wormy things are.

3. It probably won't surprise you to learn that this saltwater crocodile comes from Australia.

Salties, as they call them there, are the world's largest living crocodile species and are believed to be the most likely animal to eat a human.

Yeah, only in Australia could something so dangerous have a cute little nickname.

4. Why yes, those are stuffed frogs having a sword fight. 

This piece came from the mansion of an eccentric French civil servant who wrote in his will that he wanted his house to be opened to the public after his death. He was afraid of being forgotten, which isn't likely to happen with a house full of stuff like this.

Of course, a house doesn't have to belong to a millionaire to have some strange stuff inside.


Author: verified_user