Tuesday, August 11, 2015

5 Apps That Could Turn Anyone Into A Morning Person

The world is such a large and glorious place. With all the space we have here, it's no wonder that there is such a diverse population of human beings scattered all throughout. One big thing that separates people is how they act in the morning. I, for one, am the farthest thing from a morning person. There's pretty much nothing I dread more than early mornings, though I've still found ways to deal with them. Despite that, I still have the urge to roll over and snooze my alarm for "just five more minutes," which realistically turns into 30. Thankfully, there are people out there that have figured out more efficient ways to deal with snoozing, and it's as simple as downloading an app on your phone!

If this is how you feel every morning, then these apps are going to be extremely useful!

1. Morning Routine — $1.99

This app helps you set up a few tasks to get you up and going the instant your alarm goes off. This includes scanning codes, swiping certain things, and various other tasks to wake you up!

2. Sleep Cycle — Free!

Sleep Cycle works by recording your REM cycle and allows you to set a 30 minute period of time you would like to wake up in. It then chooses the best time between those 30 minutes to wake you, based on how light of a sleep you're in.

3. Poncho — Free

Do you like waking up to the weather forecast? If so, Poncho could be for you! It wakes you up with a cute alarm, gifs, jokes, and of course, the weather.

4. The Rock Clock — Free

If you love The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), then this is the alarm clock for you. It wakes you up to motivational quotes from The Rock himself, as well as video messages from The Rock. Oh, did I mention that there's no snooze button?

5. Alarmy — Free

Alarmy uses a unique method of forcing you to snap pictures to turn the alarm off. Basically, you set the place you need to take a picture of and, when your alarm starts up, you have to go to that place and take a picture to turn it off. It also has a "math problem mode," but that's a bit sadistic.

And if all else fails, you can do what this girl does. There's nothing like a slap to the face (or 20) to get you out of bed.


Author: verified_user